Intelligent Ingenue
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Elijah & Franka
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My wonderful listmommy (adult elijah fans yahoo group moderator) Shawna has a wonderful piece on why the Fellowship tattoo should be censored. I agree with her wholeheartedly on all points, for the reasons are very solid and good. Click here to read it, it's under "Tattoo Censorship Campaign". As a fan, myself, I wanted to get the scoop on that tattoo, but after I read her piece I decided to not post any pics of the tattoo. That's just my opinion. There will be more written on this, in the meantime check out what Shawna had to say about it. I'm back with more to say. I read Shawna's opinion again and I still agree with it. She mentioned how Dominic said the experience was spiritual for him and I can see how it is. I only have one tattoo right now that is not originial, but my second will be something I come up with. When the tattoo is originial and it commeroates something, it is understandable to not want anyone to view it. I know I wouldn't want anyone stealing the idea for my second one. It would just tear me apart with anger or just make me pissy. So, I've decided to respect the Fellowship of Nine and not put up any pictures of the tattoo. Even if it is a free country/world, I believe they have a right to keep it for themselves (maybe they should copyright it...silly idea, but still). | ||||