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Elijah News

April 25, 2002
 I have news that Elijah will be in a movie called "Thumbsucker" with Tilda Swinton as his mother and Scarlett Johansson (who I saw in "Ghost World") as his character's crush. Elijah's character is a teenager named "Justin Cobb" and I've heard it's based on a book, so I must check that out.
But that's the only thing except for the fact that you can vote for LOTR at
April 24, 2002
News for all you fans hoping to have a date with Elijah...apparently he is taken by Franka Potente (resident Teutonic  beauty, I think she rocks). For proof please look to the right...
I have been reading the emails on the yahoo group I'm part of and I must say some people are very bothered by Franka and Elijah's relationship (if one if applicable here). *Sighs*>_< . Some people really believe he is their personal property. Urk! >_<
April 22, 2002
Posted a new poll, working on uploading some fanfictions, and scouting for video clips and quotes.
April 18, 2002
Rumours! Rumours! What in the Sam Gamgee is going on? I heard from the ladies on my list that Elijah was seen kissing Franka Potente, fucking Mandy Moore, playing tonsil hockey with Drew Barrymore, etc. etc. I'm starting to get a tad bit irkked with all this inane blabber.
Another note, I'm no longer on's affiliate list..hmmmm? I wonder why. I am linked to her site, but ...oh well ^_^
April 15, 2002
Added a new page which you can view via link on the front page. Looking for more quotes from Elijah's mouth.




This picture is one I rather like. Meaning I don't want to see  any emails about his smoking habit.