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My Poetry

Truest Blue
Azure skies, cerulean seas
Open heavens
Send his gift to me
In the form of his love
Compassion speaks
Seldom is he seen behind the screens
To feel his hands upon my skin
I'd give my unnatural sins to God
My 1st born to Heaven's Father
I would give just to have him
Beside me
To hold me
My truest of true
Bluest of  blue

Ghost Visions
How can you adore someone you've never met?
How do you explain the blue tiger monarchs stretching inside your gut?
You can't
You won't be able to
You don't know why but you feel like you know him
Why do you feel this way about him?
This old soul, this angel in flesh
This perfect embodiment of fundamental lust
Everything mother warned us against
Because it feels right
It just feels right
From brain to groin to the tip of your toes
It feels like heaven
Even if his warmth isn't there
There are his echoes to keep you content

Boy Wonder
They say that a person can't be in love with someone they've never met
Have they ever laid eyes on you?
Obviously not